Interesting Stories and Notes
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Will of Benjamin Burgar (17? to 1835)
Benjamin left a long hand-written will ( 3 pages of A3 size paper, effectively
6 pages of A4 paper). A summary, minus the legal jargon, is given below.
Will of Benjamin Burgar of Royal Hospital Row Chelsea Middx Draper who
died 19th July 1835.
I Benjamin Burgar, draper,
.. do bequeath all my chattels, house at Royal
Hospital Row, stock of trade etc. to my executors Mary Ann Stewart who now
lives with me, and my brother John Burgar of East Street Manchester Square,
Coffee House Keeper to hold them in trust.
They are directed to sell or auction, within 3 months of my decease, all of
the above and to invest £1000 in Three Pounds Ten Shillings per annum
Consolidated Bank Stock. Any money from the proceeds of the sale in excess
of £1000 is to be left to Mary Ann Stewart for her sole use.
The interest from this Bank Stock is for the use of Mary Ann Stewart during
her lifetime. After her decease the Stock is to be divided as follows:
£400 to my daughter Elizabeth Dorothy Deer, wife of David Deer of Chelsea,
£100 to Benjamin Burgar Deer, the son of my daughter
£200 to my niece Mary Burgar the daughter of my said brother John Burgar
£100 to my niece Elizabeth Chinn now residing with the said John Burgar
£200 to Daniel John Stewart the son of the said Mary Ann Stewart