Interesting Stories and Notes

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Rachel Burgar (1861-1903) accused of larceny.

Walter Burgar (1862-1943) accused of receiving stolen goods.


The Return of all Persons Committed, or Bailed, or Indicted to appear for trial at the Adjoined General Quarter Sessions held at St Mary Kennington, Surrey on the 4/12/1876 showing the nature of the offences and the result of the proceedings.

Rachel Burgar, accused of Larceny as a servant, was sentenced to 1 months hard labour followed by 3 years in a reformatory.

At this time Rachel would have been only 15 years old.

Appearing on the same date was

Walter Burgar, accused of 'Receiving stolen goods', was acquitted.

Walter (Rachel's younger brother), would have only been 14 years old.


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