The Burgar/Burgess families in Shetland

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 Thomas Gifford's rentals of 1716 5

This table below shows where the Burgar families were resident in Dunrossness, and  the Merks of land that they rented and Tithes that they paid paid.

The green columns give the name of the township, the number of Merks of land on which Scat (dues) is to be paid.

The Watle and oxpeny is a tax that is required to house, feed and pay the administrator (tax collector)  during his visit.  These dues were to be paid by the various lairds to the Earl of Montrose.  They in turn made the tenants pay.

The tenants are shown in the yellow columns, with the number of Merks of land that they were renting, and the tax they would have to pay.   The amount they had to pay depended on what the Laird would charge them.  In Hillwell the Laird was a member of the Sinclair family, and the going rate was £0-11s-0d Scots per Merk of land.

Dunrossness Scat             The Payments         Rests, ley lands & retention
  lis ms cans £ s d     £ s d   £ s d
Exnaboe 72~ scat 2 16 102/3 6 18 - Scotshall for his tenents 48~ 16 0 0        
Watle and oxpene       6 8 - Grisell Strang 3~ 1 0 0        
              Malcom Burger 3~ 1 0 0 Resten 1 0 0
              Quendall 18~ 6 0 0        
Hillwell 72~ scat 4 16 162/3 10 8 - Andrew Spence 6~ 3 6 0        
Watle and oxpeny       6 6 - John Burger 6~ 3 6 0        
              Marion Garoch 3~ 1 13 0        
              George Barnson 6~ 3 6 0 Resten 0 16 6
              Robert Burger 6~ 3 6 0        
              Thomas Barnson 4½~ 2 9 6 Resten 0 5 6
              Robert Young 3~ 1 13 0 Resten 1 13 0
              John Burger younger 0 16 6 Resten 0 16 6
              Laurence Burger 2 9 6 Resten 0 14 6
              William Johnstoun 2 9 6        
              James Laughten 2 9 6 Resten 0 16 6
              James Leslie 2 9 6 Resten 2 2 0
              Laurence Williamson 4 2 4 0        
              James Broun 4 2 4 0 Resten 1 13 0
              William Lesk 3 1 13 0        
              Grisel Williamsdaughter 3 1 13 0        
              Marjory Scletr 2 1 2 0        
              Alexander Mcpherson 2 1 2 0 Resten 1 2 0
Clumlie 24~ scat 2 - 8 4 16 - William Gadie 4~ 2 14 0 Resten 2 14 0
Watle and ox       3 8 - Gaven Galdie 6~ 4 0 0 Resten 2 0 0
              George Burger 4 2 14 0 Resten 0 14 0
              Barbara Kelman 3 2 0 6 Resten 2-0-6    
              Andrew Forbes 6 4 0 0        
              Ley per Sumbro 1         0 13 6

The final blue column, as far as I can understand, records the 'rest' of the money that the tenant still owed?

John Burgar Junior is the son of Robert Burgar mentioned above.  He is seen to be occupying a small area of Land, 1½ Merks.    This possibly was the land previously occupied by Robert Ollason who was in the  Bruce Muniments of 1712  4, but does not appear in the Thomas Gifford rentals of 1716.


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