The Burgar/Burgess families in Shetland

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Catherine Burgar

At the moment it is not sure who this Catherine is. She could be:

Catherine Burgar (1797 - 1879) daughter of David Burgar and Grizelda Flaws.


Catherine Burgar (1804 - 1890) daughter of Adam Burgar and Martha Smith.


At the Church of Sandwick 15th November 1835 41

Nixt called Catharone Burger an unmarried woman in Grind Chanerwick who about six years ago was guilty of furnacation with Magnus Jamieson in Weisdale, having professed sorow for her sin.  The Session agreed that she should be rebuked by the Moderater and laid under the censure of the Church which as done accordingly and sutable exhertations having been addressed to her, the meeting was closed with prayer.

                          Alexr. Stark Modr.

                        Nicol Halcrow Sess. Clk.


At the Church of Sandwick 2 Octr. 1836.

The which day Session met and was constute by prayer with the Revd. Alexander Stark Moderator, were presant Messrs Malcolm Tulloch  John Gaudie and Adam Jaromson  Elders.  Read the minuts of [former] meeting. 

Compeard Catharon Burger (who was menced in a former meting) was lead under censur of the Church for the sin and scandle of furnication with Magnus Jameson in Wisedal upwards of six years ago.  The Session having been satisfied with her profession of penetence and with her general conduct so far as known to them, agreed that she should be obsolved from the censure of the Church which had been instuted upon her for the sin and scandle abuve mentioned which was done accordingly by the Moderator, sutable exhortations having been addressed to her, the meeting was closed with prayer.

                        Alexr. Stark Modr.

                        Nicol Halcrow Sess. Clk.


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