The Burgar/Burgess families in Shetland

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Burgar families in Shetland (about 1730 to the present day)

After 1750 there were the following male Burgar/Burgher, born before about 1750, who were having children in Shetland.  These Burgar/Burgher were the originators of the various families leading to the present day Burgess families. The dates of birth of the male Burgher are approximate.  There are a few other Burgar (not included in this list, where the line died out in the middle of the century so they will be dealt with separately.

Click on the links to see details of the descendants of the various Burgar/Burgher.  Only those highlighted in blue  have had the details added so far, and then without all the details that are available.  This complete detail will be added later, as will details of all the other families below.

Person Born Married First child Child born Ancestor of
Adam Burgher 1735 Margaret Bairnson 1762 - Barbara Burgher Gord  
George Burgher 1750 Helen Leslie 1778 - Robert Burgher Brake  
John Burgher * 1745 Barbara Black 1775 - Christian Burgher Voe  
John Burgher* 1745 Katherine Young 1793 - Robert Burgar Voe  
John Burgher 1750 Margaret Bairnson 1774 - Robert Burgher Bakksetter  
John Burgher 1750 Margaret Halcrew 1776 - Catherine Burgher Hillwell Jack and Robbie Burgess
Laurence Burgar 1725 Christian JamesDaughter 1754 - George Burgar Delting  
Laurence Burgher 1740 Barbara Mainland 1771 - Ursula Burgher Garth  
Magnus Burghar 1745 Margaret Burgar 1779 - Ursula Burghar Hillwell  
Robert Burgher*** 1730 Mary Fea 1754 -David Burgher  Brake. Gilbert Burgess
Robert Burgher 1750 Helen Brown 1775 - William Burgher Brake  
Thomas Burgar** 1750 Christian Arcus 1780 - Margaret Burgher Dunrossness  
Thomas Burgar** 1750 Isobel Mainland 1782 - Marian Burgher Scord  
Walter Burgher 1725 Barbara Goudie 1763 - Agnes Burgher Clumlie  
William Burgher 1745 Jean Ollason 1768 - Margaret Burgher Refuge  

* It is thought that John Burgher married twice, first to Barbara Black and then to Katherine Young.

.** It is thought that Thomas Burgher married twice, first to Christian Arcus, and then to Isobel Mainland.

*** It is suggested by others that he may have had a son, John,  born about 1750, but as far as I can see there is no evidence for this.  If this is so then one of the John Burgher above (married to Margaret Halcrew or Margaret Bairnson) may be his son.




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