Descendants of Israel Adams (about 1750- 1800)
First GenerationIsrael Adams is a direct ancestor of Bill Burgar, the author of this history. Israel Adams was born in about 1750 but we have not found where. He was buried on 19 September 1800 in Winkfield, Berkshire.211 The Burial register of Winkfield Church states: Israel Adams was buried 19/9/1800 Israel Adams and Ann Green were married on 12 April 1774 in Winkfield, Berkshire.27,211 The Marriage Register of Winkfield Church states: Israel Adams & Ann
Green were married on 13/4/1774 by Licence. The abstract of the Marriage Licence27, from Salisbury, states: Israel
Adams, Bricklayer of Winkfield and Ann Green, Spinster, 12/4/1774 It is seen that Israel Adams was a bricklayer. This occupation continues in the family until the 1900s. James appears to have lived in Winkfield for most of his married life. He was married there and his children were born there and he died there in 1800. However, his appearances and absences in the in the Poor Rates accounts during the 1780s suggests that he might have occasionally moved into other Parishes for work purposes. . In February1784 he was renting property in Winkfield with a rateable value of £22 and paying rates of over £1.3s.0d. This suggests that he was relatively prosperous since the lowest rateable value was £2 for which a rate of £0.3s.0d was paid. Other poorer people would not be paying poor rates at all since they were too poor to do so. See details From Poor Rate accounts However, he is then absent from the Poor Rates accounts until August 1786. He then appears at the same property but renting a much smaller portion of the property, Rateable Value £6, and paying £0.8s.0d in rates. He continues living there until February 1786 and again disappears from the Poor Rates accounts, but the reasons for this are unclear. As was mentioned previously, It is possible that he moved into adjoining parishes for work purposes, but had his children baptised in Winkfield. Further work will be undertaken to see if this conundrum can be solved. It seems that the Adams family who were born in Winkfield were educated in that able to write and it is therefore likely that they were able to read. There was a school in Winkfield from about 1710, so it is possible that this is where they were educated. See family tree for descendants of Israel Adams. Israel Adams and Ann Green had the following children: