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Transcript of the Will of Sarah Leather
( Reference {given by Felicity Brown 161 } 1/5/1858, Vol 1858, page 211. Probably referring to the Court of Probate
This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Leather of No 1 Coventry Road, Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Widow, as follows: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hudson Leather, spinster, absolutely the bed and steads, bed linen and furniture of the bed, six chairs, two tables, wardrobe, bed steps and best carpets in and about my best bedroom and also my mahogany work-table and the whole of my set of gilt edge china. I also give unto my daughter Sarah Hudson the wife of John Wesley Burgar, my fire screens, toddy tea kettle, and plated egg-stand absolutely. I also give unto my son Alfred Hudson Leather my two plates of “Charles 5th” and the “Widows or Infants Prayer”. Also I give unto my son Benjamin Hudson Leather my silver watch and my other two plates of “St Pauls Cathedral” and “Westminster Abbey” and also a design of Four Houses and my two marble pedestals. Also I give and bequeath all the residue of my plate, plated wares, linen and household furniture, stores, effects and things of every kind unto my friend William Martin of Birmingham aforesaid, furniture broker and my two sons Alfred Hudson Leather and Benjamin Hudson Leather immediately after my decease to divide the same into 5 equal parts or portions and hand and retain one of such portions for each of my said 4 children if living at the time of my decease and the remaining one-fifth portion unto the children of my daughter Mary Ann Rodgers to be equally divided between and amongst them but if either of my said four children shall die in my lifetime then my Will is that the portion hereinbefore bequeathed to the child so dying shall go to and belong to his, her or their children equally if more than one and if but one then to such only child and my Will further is that if any child or grandchild of mine shall become entitled to any part of the said effects under the bequest hereinbefore made before he or she shall have attained the age of twenty one years then it shall be lawful for my said trustees to hand …..