Descendants of John Burgar (1742-1797)

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Sixth Generation

 Richard Edwin Burgar (1941-) - son of Richard Alfred Joseph Burgar (1920-1996) - son of William Edwin Burgar(1880-1923) - son of Alfred Burgar (1839-1917) - son of Joseph Burgar (1794-1854) - son of John Burgar (1742-1797)

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Richard Edwin Burgar
was born in 1941 in Wandsworth London.16 Civil Registration of Births reference is Dec 1941 V 1D p 505 - Wandsworth London16

Rick trained as a tool-maker, but seeing little prospects in England he emigrated to the USA.  Forty years later he is still there, doing his best to retain his English accent and living life to the full.

Richard Edwin Burgar and Yvonne E English were married in 1965 in Kingston on Thames, Surrey.16
Civil Registration of marriage reference is Dec 1965 V 5C p 1830 - Kingston on Thames, Surrey.16

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